New nuclear power plants: China, Taiwan and Japan have learned nothing from Fukushima

Fuku3-300x182This moment in human history is most dangerous, because Fukushima is about the survival of all of us!

80 US marines suffer from cancer after being part of a rescue mission in Fukushima. They are now trying to get compensation from the owners of the Fukushima Daiichi power plants. And while there are still tons of contaminated water being flushed into the ocean, big players in the nuclear power sector are planning new plants in Europe, as already mentioned in Atomkurs statt Energiewende? EU-Kommission will 69 neue Atomkraftwerke für Europa 

But this also happens on the other side of the Earth where those countries directly affected by the Fukushima catastrophe appear to not have learned any lesson at all. Those 80 marines have been lied to about the level of radiation in the area where they fulfilled their humanitarian mission. Honestly, haven’t we all been lied to?

China currently is the fastest growing nuclear power market. They already have 20 plants running with 28 new sites being under construction. Dozens more plants are now beyond the planning stage and according to the Chinese Energy Commissio their construction is supposed to start soon.

„China plans the installation of 800 more Gigawatts in nuclear power. About 70% of them will use our steam turbines and other key components produced by us“, said Chen Chaoming, vice president of Alstom Thermal, China at the 13th „Nuclear Industry China“, a meeting organized by the Chinese Society for Nuclear Power.

The French giant Alstom SA has been busy on the Chinese market since the 1980s and received several big orders in China for their key components for nuclear power plants. On Tuesday they announced, they would deliver the majority of steam turbines needed for the construction of the nuclear power network in China.

Somehow the catastrophe in Fukushima seems to have been deleted from some peoples‘ minds, although it is far from over, if the consequences can ever really be dealt with at all. One piece of bad news follows the other and shows that TEPCO is not likely to get the situation under control.

All the more reason for the nuclear power sector to be relieved at the prospect of new profits.

Chen also said: „Even though Fukushima delayed progress at first – there is huge potential for nuclear power market growth. This is due to China’s nuclear industry still being in the beginning stages. Only 2% of all electrical power used in China is provided by nuclear power stations. Thus China should build more of those plants to be able to supply the increasing demand for energy.“

According to a statement on the government website on Sunday, prime minister Li Keqiang said it was time to start big nuclear projects to cover the energy demand. The construction of nuclear power plants in eastern coastal regions would start in due time.

This was good news for the nuclear energy sector, as reported by, since the approval of the construction of new nuclear power stations did not look likely after the meltdown in Fukushima in 2011.

In Boqiang of the Chinese Centre for Energy Research in Xiamen said that the central government had clearly signalled the intention of approving nuclear power plant construction at an even quicker pace, because this would support the development of cleaner energy. The combined goals of reducing environmental pollution, modernizing the Chinese industry and distancing themselves from coal as their primary source of energy, the government decided that nuclear power should play a bigger part in the Chinese energy mix. Fukushima seems to have been forgotten.


Three years after the devastating disaster in Fukushima, Japan is ready to enter the nuclear power market again. In spite of evident resistance from the public, the government decided on a new „energy plan“ on the 11. 04. 2014. This plan mentions nuclear power as an „important source of energy for baseline supply“.


People in Taiwan actively demonstrate against nuclear power. Fukushima apparently bothers the Taiwanese more than the Japanese and now they face a new plant that is just being tested for funtionality. The new plant, the fourth in this country, is close to being finished. Officially called Lungmen and nicknamed „Nuke 4“, it is located to the Northeast, about 40 km away from the capital Taipeh. The three existing nuclear power plants produce roughly 20 % of the country’s electricity. The fuel rods can be expected to be put in place at the end of the year.

Nuclear power protesters want to avert this at all costs. On the day of the Fukushima anniversary, tens of thousands took to the streets of Taipeh and other cities in spite of wet and cold weather conditions. The opposition to „Nuke 4“ is almost as old as the project itself. Construction was approved in 1992, but when the Democratic Progressive Party came into power in 2000, it was temporarily discontinued. (Source:

Fukushima: Still water problems are not under control

It is hardly comprehensible how countries like China, Taiwan or Japan appear to be unwilling to learn from the meltdown in 2011, especially because three years later the problems are still not under control.

The latest news show, that Fukushima will keep us occupied for a long time. Ground water samples from well number 12 yielded a high level of radioactive tritium. The self-imposed limits of TEPCO were exceeded.

On Friday, workers on an inspection round noticed leaking barriers around a tank. As a consequence two puddles developed.

It reads like a nightmare and it is impossible to list all improper acts due to their overwhelming number. At the moment we could write one article per day about all the things that go wrong.

Akira Ono, Chef-Anlage für das Fukushima Daiichi Kernkraftwerk von TEPCO, spricht zu den Medien in der Haupt Anti-Erdbeben Gebäude an der Fukushima Daiichi Kernkraftwerk in FukushimaAs japantimes.cojp  reports, the manager of Fukushima 1 has by now admitted to not being able to control the situation about the radioactive water, in spite of repeated efforts. Exactly eight months after Prime Minister Shino Abe announced to the world that the matter was resolved. Eight months after he assured the olympic committee that everything was fine.

Even then we said that he was lying and published the open letter by nuclear power protesters and book author Takishi Hirose, warning all young athletes about Japan’s increasing radioactive contamination and suggesting they should not take part in the Olympic Games 2020 in Tokio. (See: Ein Brief an alle jungen Athleten, die davon träumen, 2020 nach Tokio zu kommen )

The trouble with the contaminated water is at the core of the clean-up. Japan’s nuclear inspecting authorities and the International Atomic Energy Agency confirm once more that another release of contaminated water into the ocean is necessary to relieve available capacities. In other words, our storage space is full, away with the polluted water into the sea. How many more times is this going to happen?

FAZ wrote on April 04 that already 400 tons of ground water are flowing towards the nuclear power plant every day from the surrounding hills and there get mixed with the water that TEPCO uses to cool their damaged reactors. Now TEPCO has installed a bypass pipeline to divert 100 tons of ground water per day into tanks before the water is used as a coolant. It is measured regularly for radioactivity. If it is below the limits, this water is flushed into the Pacific directly.

All cattle within a 20 km radius around fukushima culled

As we found out from , in January 2012 1692 cattle living within a 20 km radius around the power station have been culled. Before the catastrophe happened, 3500 cattle had been kept in that area.

Even though it sounds unbelievable, humans are allowed to return to the restricted areas. After the desaster, the borough of Odaka of the city of Minamisoma, among others, had been declared a restricted zone and people had been evacuated. Following the decontamination measures, inhabitants are allowed to stay there during the daytime.

On April 23 Odaka hospital went back into service as the first permanent medical facility within the restricted zone. However, only out-patient treatments are carried out at the moment. The city hopes to convince former inhabitants to return after the evacuation order is suspended, which is planned to happen in April 2016.

Slowly Fukushima seems to sink into oblivion, there is no other way the things that happen could be explained. If people are made to return to a radioactive region where nothing is under control, where contaminated water is dumped into the sea, we have to ask ourselves, how much is a human being, an animal or the environment worth?

See more information here: Schützt die Kinder von Fukushima vor den Lügen der japanischen Regierung!

The clock is ticking and the nuclear catastrophe that will wipe out the world, as we know it, is getting dangerously close.

German: Neue AKWs: China, Taiwan und Japan haben aus Fukushima nichts gelernt

Written by Netzfrau Doro Schreier

Translation by Netzfrau Angela Carstensen

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