Pictures from Protest „We are fed up“! More than 50.000 people protested in Berlin

Wir haben es satt1jpg„We are fed up“ was the motto of Germany’s large demonstration coming up with one of the biggest economy events for nutrition called  „The Green Week“ in Berlin.

During Saturday, Jan. 17th 2015 more than 50,000 people came to Berlin plus 90 tractors from all parts of the country, some of them having driven their vehicles all night before. They were demonstrating against industrial farming in the country, against mass meat production being the vivid centerpiece for why it is so bad for people and the environment.

Agribusiness is still growing: a handful of international corporations are undermining seed diversity and are relentlessly pushing for GMOs on farms. Investors are still building new industrial mega-units, where animals are subjected to terrible suffering. At the G7 Summit and through free trade agreements like TTIP and CETA, world leaders are setting a course for the global industrialisation of agriculture. The consequences are much the same wherever you look: more farmers are forced to abandon their fields, both here and in the south. Markets are flooded with cheap meat. The cultivation of monocultures is encroaching on the rainforest. Arable land is used to fuel speculation. And worldwide hunger is still with us.

 + + + More than 840 million people go hungry worldwide every day + + + Rural farms are dying; every year 10,000 farms shut down in Germany + + + Germany alone imports food products equivalent to about 18 million hectares + + + Resistance to antibiotics from use in animal farming threatens our health + + + A free trade agreement between the EU and US could open the door to genetic engineering + + + Three multinational companies control 50 % of the world’s trade in seeds + + + One third of bee colonies in Europe and in the USA die every year + + +


Warum schalten die Netzfrauen Werbung?

 The campaign was organised by various groups, all concentrated in “Wir-haben-es-satt”, more than 100 groups (including NGOs), Netzfrauen building a message to put back agriculture into the hands of better stewards who can respect soil, water and integrate human and animal health into good food for the people and the planet.

Many group speakers talked on stage about their interests:

We demand:

Fair trade instead of free trade! STOP the TTIP and CETA free trade agreements!
Species-appropriate rearing, no abuse of antibiotics! STOP the animal factories!
Promotion of regional feed production! STOP GMOs on farms and in livestock feeds!
A global right to food! STOP world hunger!
Healthy, affordable food for all! STOP all the food scandals!
Fair prices and market rules for farmers! STOP killing off family farms!
Freedom for seed diversity! STOP the patenting of plants and animals!
Bee-friendly and eco-friendly agriculture! STOP monocultures!
Access to land for everyone in the world! STOP land-grabbing by governments and investors!

An end to:

  • Hunger!
  • Food scandals!
  • The dying of rural farms
  • Mass stalls!
  • The proposed EU seed regulation!

  • Monocultures!
  • GMOs on the field and in stalls

  • Landgrabbing by governments and investors

Netzfrau Lisa Natterer

Wir haben es satt! Lebensmittelskandale, Pestizide, Genpflanzen, Freihandelsabkommen, Lebensmittel-Monopoly, die Macht der Agrarlobby!

Freihandelsabkommen: Nicht nur Klonfleisch – Monsanto, BASF, Bayer, Coca-Cola und Co. reiben sich die Hände

USA/EU – TTIP – Stand der Verhandlungen – und die vielen weitreichenden Verflechtungen in der Politik

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