Senator Bernie Sanders & andere fordern Obama auf, die Dakota Access Pipeline für immer zu stoppen – Senator Bernie Sanders & Others Demand Obama Permanently Halt Dakota Access Pipeline

standing-rSenator Bernie Sanders fordert unisono mit vier weiteren Senatoren Präsident Obama auf, den Bau der Dakota Access Pipeline zu stoppen, damit Umwelt und Kultur des Gebietes wieder hergestellt werden können.

Sanders, Patrick Leahy (Demokrat, Vermont), Dianne Feinstein (Demokratin, Kalifornien), Ben Cardin (Demokrat, Maryland) und Ed Markey (Demokrat, Massachusetts) unterschrieben den Brief, in dem der Widerruf aller Genehmigungen und Nutzungsrechte gefordert wird, solange bis korrekte Untersuchungen durchgeführt werden können.

Darin schreiben die Senatoren:

„Wenn es eine grundlegende Lektion gibt, die die indigenen Völker uns gelehrt haben, dann ist es die, dass wir alle als Menschen Teil der Natur sind. Wir werden nicht überleben, wenn wir weiterhin die Natur zerstören“.

Diese Forderung bekräftigt jene Forderungen, die in den vergangenen Wochen zu hören und zu lesen waren, obwohl vorangegangene Bemühungen durch örtliche Gerichte gekippt oder durch die Baufirmen allesamt ignoriert wurden. Die Proteste am Ort der geplanten Pipeline wurden monatelang fortgeführt. Bei ihnen fanden sich indigene Amerikaner und verbündete Aktivisten zusammen, um zu versuchen zu verhindern, was sie als Angriff sowohl auf die Umwelt als auch auf ihre Geschichte und ihre Kultur ansehen.

Alle Informationen zu Standing Rock hier: #StandingRockSioux – Das geschieht, wenn Ölkönzerne mit US Regierung, Gerichten,Politikern, Polizei und Medien sich verbünden! Facebook zensiert, Tränengas aus der Luft, Militär…That`s happened when Big Oil goes to bed with the U.S. government, courts, governor, county sheriff and media!

Bemerkung Redaktion: Am Dienstag, den 15.November 2016 findet ein weltweiter Aktions-Tag, für die Solidarität mit den Standing Rock statt.

BREAKING! Senator Bernie Sanders & Others Demand Obama Permanently Halt Dakota Access Pipeline

Senator Bernie Sander has joined with four other Senators in order to call on President Obama to bring a halt to the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline so that a full environmental and cultural review can be completed.
Sanders, Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), Ben Cardin (D-Md.) and Ed Markey (D-Mass.) all signed the letter which called for the revoking of all permits and easements until the proper investigations can be made.
Said the senators:
“If there is one profound lesson that indigenous people have taught us, it is that all of us as human beings are part of nature. We will not survive if we continue to destroy nature.”
This request echoes those made in recent weeks, though previous efforts have been overturned by local courts or ignored by the construction company altogether.
The protests at the site of the proposed pipeline have continued for months as Native Americans and activist allies join together to try and stop what they view as an attack both on the environment, and on their history and culture.

Source: via


Nov 15 #NoDAPL Day of Action at Army Corps of Engineers

On Tuesday, November 15th, join a massive day of action in solidarity with those at Standing Rock, and demand the Federal government and the Army Corps reject this pipeline.

Find an event at an Army Corps of Engineer office near you, or sign up to host an action in your city to support the indigenous communities and landowners fighting on the front lines.

Click here for a map of the Army Corps of Engineers District Headquarter offices around the country. (If you’re not near a District HQ, you can search Google to identify if there’s a local Army Corps of Engineers field office in your city)
The Army Corps fast-tracked the Dakota Access Pipeline without proper consultation, and as a result, bulldozers are approaching Standing Rock as we speak. But with coordinated, massive demonstrations across the country, we’ll make it clear that this powerful movement will not allow the sacrifice of Indigenous rights, our water, or our climate.

This day of action is one of many calls for solidarity actions targeting not only the Army Corps, but stakeholders at every level — including the banks who are funding Dakota Access and the companies building the project. If there’s not any Army Corp office or action near you, join or host an action at a bank that’s financing the pipeline, or any Federal building. If you’re planning an action outside the US, you could organize it outside a bank financing the project or US embassy.

This is one of the most courageous stands against a fossil fuel project this country has ever seen. Together, our movements stopped the Keystone XL pipeline almost one-year ago today, and an even bigger movement is rising up to stop Dakota Access and all fossil fuel infrastructure.

We know that elections and individuals alone don’t create change — movements do. That’s why we’ll continue to fight until native sovereignty is honored, indigenous rights are protected, and our communities, water, and climate matter more than fossil fuel profits.

This is a movement-led day of action, taking leadership from indigenous groups active in the Standing Rock struggle including Indigenous Environmental Network and Honor the Earth. We encourage local action organizers to reach out to indigenous and frontline leaders in your community and work together in planning and organizing, reflecting that this moment is about social, climate, environmental, and economic justice – with a centering of indigenous rights and de-colonization. Participating groups include:

  • Indigenous Environmental Network (IEN)
  • Honor the Earth
  • Native Organizers Alliance
  • Grassroots Global Justice Alliance
  • National Nurses United
  • Hip Hop Caucus
  • BOLD Alliance
  • Greenpeace USA
  • Beyond Extreme Energy
  • Rainforest Action Network
  • Oil Change International
  • Our Revolution
  • Center for Popular Democracy
  • Powershift Network
  • Earthworks
  • Food and Water Watch
  • Justice and Witness Ministries, United Church of Christ
  • Center for Biological Diversity
  • Daily Kos
  • Natural Resources Defense Council
  • Sierra Club
  • Iraq Veterans against the War
  • Ruckus Society
  • Friends of the Earth
  • Climate Hawks Vote
  • and more

Find an action near you on November 15th here>>  Nov 15 #NoDAPL Day of Action at Army Corps of Engineers

Netzfrau Ursula Rissmann-Telle

#StandingRockSioux – Das geschieht, wenn Ölkönzerne mit US Regierung, Gerichten,Politikern, Polizei und Medien sich verbünden! Facebook zensiert, Tränengas aus der Luft, Militär…That`s happened when Big Oil goes to bed with the U.S. government, courts, governor, county sheriff and media!

Protestieren, um zu überleben – Euer Profit zerstört unser Leben – We stand with the People of #StandingRock – Stop the Dakota Access Pipeline

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